Overnight Steel-Cut Oat Porridge with Honey, Roasted Almonds, Green Grapes and Greek Yoghurt

Steel-Cut Oat Porridge with Honey, Roasted Almonds, Green Grapes and Greek Yogurt Steel-Cut Oat Porridge with Honey, Roasted Almonds, Green Grapes and Greek Yogurt

Here’s one of my favourite breakfast recipes of all time: warm and comforting steel-cut oat porridge with a dash of honey stirred through, all jazzed up with roasted almonds, juicy green grapes and a huge dollop of low-fat Greek yoghurt! Oh, and I sprinkled some of Loving Earth’s low carb, gluten-free, keto-friendly Paleo Protein Power Mix over the top for an extra crunch! It’s chock full of activated nuts and seeds, coconut chips and cacao nibs!

Steel-Cut Oat Porridge with Honey, Roasted Almonds, Green Grapes and Greek Yogurt Steel-Cut Oat Porridge with Honey, Roasted Almonds, Green Grapes and Greek Yogurt Steel-Cut Oat Porridge with Honey, Roasted Almonds, Green Grapes and Greek Yogurt

Traditional rolled oats just don’t cut it for me anymore because they cook to a sticky, heavy, gluey mess that can sometimes be too much for breakfast. Steel-cut oats, however, have a rich, nutty flavour and an amazingly chewy, almost fluffy texture (kinda like brown rice) when cooked. I always prepare a large batch the night before (toasted with some fragrant coconut oil before bringing to a boil) so I can eat it over the next few mornings! And now, I’m going to share my secret. Scroll down to learn how to make the perfect overnight steel-cut oat porridge!

Steel-Cut Oat Porridge with Honey, Roasted Almonds, Green Grapes and Greek Yogurt Steel-Cut Oat Porridge with Honey, Roasted Almonds, Green Grapes and Greek Yogurt Steel-Cut Oat Porridge with Honey, Roasted Almonds, Green Grapes and Greek Yogurt

Overnight Steel-Cut Oat Porridge with Honey, Roasted Almonds, Green Grapes and Greek Yogurt
a healthy, nutrient-dense, fibre-rich breakfast recipe.

for the oat porridge:
1 cup steel-cut oats
1 teaspoon coconut oil*, melted
3 cups water

*You can use olive oil or butter instead, for a different flavour profile.

In a medium saucepan, toast the steel-cut oats with the coconut oil over medium-low heat, tossing with a wooden spoon occasionally, until the oats start to brown a little and smell fragrant and nutty.

Slowly pour the water into the saucepan and increase the heat to high. Bring to a rolling boil, stirring once in awhile to ensure even cooking. Reduce heat to low and leave to simmer for 5 minutes.

Take the saucepan off the heat, cover, and let sit for about an hour or until cool enough to transfer to an airtight container. Store overnight in the fridge. In the morning, just spoon your desired serving portion into a bowl and microwave of high for about a minute. Voilà! Piping hot porridge, ready to be decorated with tasty additions!

For this version, I added the following:

  • 1 tablespoon honey, stirred through
  • a handful of roasted almonds
  • a handful of green grapes, halved
  • a dollop of low-fat Greek yoghurt
  • a sprinkling of Loving Earth’s Paleo Protein Power Mix

The remaining cooked porridge can be kept in the fridge for up to a week if stored well in an airtight container.

Steel-Cut Oat Porridge with Honey, Roasted Almonds, Green Grapes and Greek Yogurt

angie and james do stuff.

7 thoughts on “Overnight Steel-Cut Oat Porridge with Honey, Roasted Almonds, Green Grapes and Greek Yoghurt

  1. I do something similar using a five-grain rolled cereal from Bob’s Red Mill. I use orange juice on it for a fluid and add chia, sunflower and sesame seeds, along with a lot of fruit and homemade very thick yogurt.

    Virtual hugs,


    1. Hey Judie! Thanks for dropping by! Wow, using orange juice sounds like an amazing idea. I’m sure it adds plenty of flavour! Thanks for sharing this tip! :) xx

      1. The orange juice soaks into the chia seeds, too, helping to have a full feeling longer. We eat this six days a week. Easy to cook up fresh every morning.

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